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Mass timber construction is on the rise as owners, 建筑师和承包商推崇低碳建筑材料. In our continued video series, 我们看看缅因州鲍登学院约翰和莱尔吉本斯北极研究中心和巴里米尔斯大厅的第一个全木结构建筑. 这座全电力建筑将通过无化石燃料的方式支持低碳运营.

consigli已经规划和建造了超过15个采用木材解决方案的项目,如何与我们的项目合作伙伴协调和合作,规划和交付高质量的木结构? With extensive experience analyzing, procuring and installing mass timber, 百家乐软件的跨学科方法帮助我们的客户(如bowdoin)提高成本效益, schedule-driven decisions when planning a mass timber project.

Initial Design

为了降低潜在成本,严格的施工前规划是必须的, 与大型木结构相关的进度和质量影响.

  • Early Detections of Issues: 当涉及到实现这样一个专业的成品所需的外观和功能时,最小的细节很重要. 将设计意图纳入早期模型有助于指导关键的设计考虑,将其纳入制造文档,并允许及时释放木材.
  • Structural Reviews: Structural drawing reviews help analyze column spacing, spans of timber elements, 主梁方向的选择和机械管道和管道布线的变化策略. 审查过程可以通过减少梁的尺寸和地板的厚度等因素来潜在地节省成本.
  • Cost Competitiveness: In today’s ever changing and challenging materials market, mass timber has remained relatively steady in pricing. 这种确定性使大量木材能够尽早定价,随着项目的进展,成本更有保证. Depending on the application, 与钢铁和混凝土相比,大量木材的定价非常具有成本竞争力,并且在装修成本方面具有额外的成本效益. 大量的木材也可以保持暴露,减少项目中昂贵的内部装饰成本.

Selection & Sourcing

木材品种的选择会影响到木材制造商. 正确的决策可以支持早期的内部估计,并分析最适合的特定物种.

  • Wood Species & Material Finish: 材料的选择对木材制造商的选择有很大的影响. 从美学到结构设计的强度到构件的长度, 百家乐软件可以帮助评估木材种类,并提供满足美学和结构需求的选择.
  • Deep Knowledge of Supplier/Manufacturer Market: A strong list of suppliers, both domestic and foreign, 在设计的早期阶段,确保初始投标的价格具有竞争力. 由于大量的木材是完全设计和释放的制造, 完善的市场知识在招标安装中至关重要.

Coordination & Release

在施工文件之前完成协调模型对大量木材的最终制造车间图纸至关重要. 从最终图纸批准到木材交货时间从16到24周不等, time is of the essence.

M/E/P coordination for a mass timber structure.

  • M/E/P/FP Coordination: M/E/P/FP系统的大量木材穿透必须仔细规划并集成到制造文件中. Coordination models for these penetrations allow all pathways to be designed and manufactured in shop in lieu of in field; this is crucial as field cutting is prohibited for this level of finished product.
  • Design-Assist Engagement: M/E/P/FP系统和大量木材的设计协助合作伙伴使项目团队能够在工作设计模型内进行协调. Creation of CD-level documents through design-assist, even as the rest of the design is in early stages, 支持在cd发布之前完成建筑系统和建筑功能, mitigating the challenge of timber long lead times.

Delivery & Installation

Careful attention must be paid to the handling, 安装和保护大量木材,以保持材料的完整性. Hands-on installer experience is imperative when planning a successful mass timber project.

Mass timber logistics & installation considerations.

  • Logistical Planning Handling & Installation: 为高效安装制定正确的物流计划——考虑到任何潜在的双重处理和所需的特殊照顾——对于通过安装确定进度至关重要. 合适的项目合作伙伴为每个站点开发合适的交付、装载和排序.
  • Protecting your Investment through Insurance & Temporary Protections: 百家乐软件的内部工作现场洞察平台允许我们的客户通过逐层检测对木结构的潜在破坏元素来保护他们的投资, including water, 火或任何其他可能污染或损坏成品的因素. Additionally, 通常需要临时保护,包括使用硬墙挡住木柱,以防止紫外线和湿气, floor plate protection from UV, moisture and foot traffic, maintenance of humidity and temperature post close-in. 最有效的木结构保护是快速建筑围护,以减少对木材本身的环境影响. Once enclosed and final systems are brought online, 保持适当的湿度水平对于保持木材的外观和最佳功能至关重要.
  • Self-perform Capabilities: 百家乐软件 self-performs mass timber installation and protection, giving us added control over schedule, 质量和安装的连续性,因为我们更接近产品. 我们的650名内部工匠分享我们的质量标准,并且是按时完成工作的强大额外资源.
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